Introducing Envision Health and Wellness
Health is the Best Investment You Can Make
Health and Wellness starts with you. Your body, your mind.
It's more than a diet and exercise. Wellness is enhanced by lifestyle change. Health Coaching is about transformation and encouragement. Learn about Envision Health and Wellness and our six-month wellness and health coaching program, starting at just $150/month.
Allyn Raifstanger as an Integrated Nutrition Heath CoachYou may be asking, what exactly is an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach? An Integrated Nutrition Health coach is a guide and supportive mentor who empowers clients to take responsibility for their health and achievement of their personal wellness.
Continue reading for common questions and answers about what an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach can do for you, or head to Envision Health and Wellness for more information on a nutrition consultation and plan that works for you! |
Q: How did Allyn become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach?
After several years of studying health and diets, he took a yearlong course at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition out of New York State. This course is accredited by the New York State Board of Education.
Q What are some of the theories of Integrative Nutrition?
- It involves the study and integration of all diet theories.
- Primary food (career, relationships, exercise, and spirituality) overrides secondary food (what’s on your plate)
- Health is based on the individual, not a diet theory.
- Bad food choices are “crowded out” with good food choices.
- Given half a chance, the body will heal itself.
- Deconstructing cravings can be achieved by anyone.
- The same diet and lifestyle recommendations will help everyone get well regardless of the disease.
Q What are Integrative Nutrition’s core concepts?
- Bio-individuality: No one diet or lifestyle works for everyone. What’s one person’s food may be another person’s poison.
- Primary food: Your primary food, which includes career, relationships, exercise, spirituality, and other lifestyle factors, plays an equal or more significant role in achieving your overall health and wellness.
- Heal yourself by yourself; Your body is designed to heal and protect you from harm. Given half the chance, the body will heal itself.
- Fitting out: We all have heard about fitting in. At IIN, we want you to fit out. Fitting out is being yourself and what is unique about you.
- Food changes everything; Food affects your whole being, from your blood to your DNA; you are what you eat.
- Health is not a destination; it’s a journey.
Q: Where does a Health Coach fit in with our current Health Care System?
Our country and the world are undergoing a health crisis of immense proportions. One in two people gets cancer, heart disease kills millions of people a year, more people are affected by the dreaded Alzheimer’s, type two diabetes is affecting children as well as adults in increasing numbers, and obesity affects almost 60% of our population as compared with 16% forty years ago. Our health care system is fantastic at fixing broken legs, arms, and backs, as well as replacing joints, hearts, and kidneys, and doing intricate brain surgeries, to name a few. But our Health Care System can only prolong the major diseases and illnesses that are far more apt to kill us. The disorders mentioned are mostly preventable. An Integrated Nutrition Health Coach fills in where the doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and dieticians leave off. Hospitals are too busy to mentor patients on nutrition and lifestyle, the most important ways to stay healthy. The advice doctors gave years ago, “Take two aspirins and call me in the morning,” is long gone.
Q: I don’t want to be one of the statistics falling to the top ten killers; what should I do?
First and foremost, don’t rely on the Government for answers. They subsidize most of the foods that we are eating today, like GMO corn and soy products. Remember, the government had information back in the late 50s that cigarettes were hazardous to our health, and it took them twenty-five years to make their first move in the industry to label cigarettes and tobacco products with the Surgeon General’s warning. Not a good track record. Also, don’t look to the food companies. (most of the big companies are owned by the tobacco industry) They promote convenience to the public through processed foods high in refined sugars, refined flour, bad fats, sodium, and many chemicals. Every time a food fad is low-fat, gluten-free, fortified, or natural, they put it on their labels for more sales. Generally, it’s all hype. Here’s where the role of an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach comes in. Allyn has the background and knowledge of what’s good for a person’s health and can tailor a program based on the individual’s needs. Everyone is different.
Q: I want to improve my health and well-being; what is the next step?
Starting in November 2018, Allyn has led free health history screenings for those interested. A short form needs to be filled out, and he can conduct the session via phone, skype, or in person. There is a limit to clients he can take. If you are interested in a free health history screening, use the contact form on this website.
Q: Is it expensive to have an Integrated Nutrition Health Coach?
A No, and several programs are available, ranging in price. The cost is minimal if you consider the alternative of having a poor diet and an unfulfilling lifestyle. You could pay for a six-month session by eliminating sugary beverages and junk food from your diet.
Q: Has Allyn’s interest in nutrition changed how he does business at the restaurant?
A Absolutely. At Allyn’s, they cook whole foods and keep processed foods to a minimum. They make salad dressings, sauces, soups, chili, and gumbo. He reads labels on any canned or processed foods. He also developed some tasty vegan options, including vegan Mardi Gras Pasta, chili, black bean burger, jambalaya, chili dog, jackfruit BBQ, a wonderful black bean and rice salad with ranch chipotle dressing, and Sunday Brunch. With their new “Retro” menu, Allyn also features locally sourced chicken and Wagyu beef. Just like health is not a destination, it’s a journey; Allyn strives to constantly evolve for their customer's pleasure and well-being.